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The late Tillman Glass was a charter member of Metropolitan Baptist Church. He was chairman of the first nominating committee of the corporation.  For approximately twenty (20) years he was chairman of the board of trustees.  During these years, many objectives were accomplished such as the changing of the heating system from hot air to steam.  Changes were made in the appearances of both the church and parish house inside and outside were attributed to the efforts of Trustee Glass.  Off- times he did much of the work himself.  Other times he was assisted by various members of the church.  He labored from sunrise to sunset, to put the house of God in order.

Trustee Glass was known for his sincere, willingness, and loyalty in service for the Master.  His work was a labor of love.

This is an excerpt from notes for a presentation made by Carithia Griffin Winbush during the thirty-second (32) anniversary of the church.
Trustee Tillman Glass and Thelma Wilson, former Church Clerk,
in front of Metropolitan on 777 Shawmut Avenue - Roxbury, MA.
Trustee Tillman pictured in the program for 32nd anniversary of Metropolitan
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