Rev. Dr. John H. Womack, Sixth Pastor
(1993 - 2010)
On the fourth Sunday in March 1993, Reverend Dr. John H. Womack, became our sixth pastor. There were many challenges facing our new pastor and our congregation. Church membership had dwindled with very few young people attending worship services. Some of the community projects the church once offered ceased to exist and once again the church needed major renovations.
Modernization of Our Edifice
The congregation was galvanized to recommit their talents and work together with our new pastor to improve and modernize our edifice. Reverend Womack was joined by Minister Harvey Hunt, Minister of Christian Education, in 1994, and by Minister Eric Lloyd, Youth Minister, in 1999.
The fruit of our labor resulted in:
Paving of the church parking lot
Installation of air conditioning in the sanctuary
Installation of new pews and pulpit furniture
Installation of pastor's study and secretary's office on the second floor
Renovation of the restrooms
Painting of the sanctuary
Our work had not been in vain. We witnessed how the substance of things hoped for can become evident. As a church family we were working on our physical and spiritual bodies. We saw our membership is increase Most importantly there is a renewed spirit of the life in the church as we work toward becoming "not just a church in the community, but a community church."

Purchased Building
Expansion of Edifice
We purchased the vacant building adjacent to our church and prepared to expand our current edifice to include a larger sanctuary and more rooms for Community Outreach Programs.
While our edifice was under construction, we developed new programs that it would house. We will have an after-school program for neighborhood youth. Every day five buses were stopping in front of our church carrying students from local schools. When the expansion was completed, we offered them tutorial assistance, a meal or snack, and preparation of homework and remedial education. We looked forward to starting a computer training program for people of all ages and to resuming our mental health component. A non-profit corporation established by the church would run all of these programs.

Renovation in Process - Demolishing Purchased Building

Left to Right: Mrs. Carithia Winbush (Charter Member), Mr. Sherman Womack (Trustee), Mr. Norman Whitaker (Contractor), Pastor Womack, and Rev. Palbo Calzoncit (TABCOM).
Groundbreaking Ceremony
On March 9, 2000, a groundbreaking ceremony was held to commemorate our building project. Sister Carithia Winbush, Trustee Sherman Womack, Noman Whitaker (contractor) and Reverend Pablo Calzoncit, Boston Southwest Area Minister for American Baptist Churches, joined Reverend John Womack in turning the soil.
Dedication of Expanded Edifice
Then on November 12, 2000, we held the dedication ceremony for the renovations and new sanctuary. To God be the Glory!
New Programs Pastor Womack resumed many of the ministries his predecessors introduced during our first five decades. One example is our tradition of providing food to families in need during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. In addition, Pastor Womack instituted new programs such as:
• Annual Summer Tent Revival, now in its seventeenth year
• Men’s Fellowship
• Women’s Fellowship
• Family Life Ministry Program
• Monthly Food Fair Program
• Automated Fiscal Accounting and Record Keeping Systems
• Free Tax Preparation
• Information technology training for our youth
The Womack Family in 1970
Reverend Womack, our First Lady, Bertha Womack, and their children: Tonya, John Jr., Monica and grandson, Malik, have been a blessing to Metropolitan and to our surrounding community. His teaching that Christ is the head of this body and through HIM, nothing is impossible.
Pastor Womack Receives Doctor of Ministry In June 2000, Pastor Womack received a Doctor of Ministry from the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Massachusetts. His doctoral dissertation was titled, “The Call To The Ministry”.
After 17 ½ Years Pastor Womack retired on July 8, 2010 due to medical disabilities after seventeen and a half (17 ½) years of service to the communities of Dorchester, Mattapan, and Roxbury.

The Womack Family in 1993