Rev. John L. Mayshack, Third Pastor
(1964 - 1968)
In 1964, we elected Reverend John Mayshack, our third pastor. He, too, was continuing his studies at Boston University during this time. After the completion of his studies Andover Newton Theological Seminary, he resigned as our pastor in 1968 to return to his home church in Dallas, Texas. He then served as the Dean of Men at Bishop College during the summer of 1968 and became the pastor of the Betheseda Baptist Church in Marshall, Texas.
We were honored to have Reverend Mayshack as the guest preacher for its sixty-seventh (67th) anniversary celebration. Shown in the picture below is Rev. Cooper, Sister Mary Brach, and Rev. Mayshack.
In October 1964, we elected Reverend John Lewis Mayshack, our third pastor. He, too, was continuing his studies at Andover Theological Seminary during this time. Reverend Mayshack graduated from Bishop College in Dallas, Texas, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. He married Carla Malone Mayshack in 1965 and is the proud father of two sons, James and John.
Rev. Mayshack, Wife and First Son
32nd Church Anniversary Program Cover
Words of Welcome for 32nd Church Anniversary from Rev. Mayshack
In 1967 Metropolitan celebrated its thirty-second anniversary. During this celebration, Mr. Henry Winbush, Mr. Willilliam Lambert, Mr. Tillman Glass, and Mr.Simon Wells were honored for their service to the church.
After leaving Metropolitan, Reverend Mayshack became a nationally recognized religious educator and has authored several books including Cotton Patch Sermon Outlines, 175 Sermon Outlines, 165 Dynamic Sermon Outlines, Sermons for Today, Fiery Sermon Outlines, etc. Reverend Mayshack is a member of The National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc., where he served as an instructor of Youth Evangelism for ten years in The National Baptist Congress of Christian Education. He also served as secretary of The Oklahoma State Pastors' Conference and a member of The Governor's Commission for Martin Luther King, Jr.
Reverend and Mrs. Mayshack are shown below with charter member Carithia Winbush in May 2005 at the 70th Anniversary of the Metropolitan.
Rev. Mayshack received an Honorary Doctoral Degree from the Tennessee School of Religion located in Memphis, Tennessee on Sunday, April 2, 2006. In January of 2008, Rev. Mayshack retired after twenty-two (22) years as pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.